Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thoughts on our future

Dan and I were at the temple near the beginning of the semester; we had each received revelation concerning our future: the revelation was that if we focused on servant leadership, or serving others, we would be blessed by the Lord in great measure. Somehow He would help Dan find an internship and He would help me on the LSAT and getting into law school.
Following through with that consecrate our time and talents to the Lord has asked a LOT of us. We have been called to bless families of children going through incredibly hard times -- and for me in the last month and a half it has required over 120 hours of my time.
However, what we have learned from this experience has been profound.
The greatest benefit has been a change in the motivation of my service -- it has become a part of me; something I WANT to do; something that brings me incredible joy!
Dan has found an internship (probably) and I was blessed on my LSAT; that just meant that I did badly enough that I didn't want to try to go to Stanford or BYU. I have a feeling I'll learn an incredible amount this year and that I'll be directed in what I should do.

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