Saturday, May 28, 2011


Danny and I now work together. It's super awesome!
One of my favorite moments at work was this morning but I have to give a little intro...
A lady walked into the model home yesterday wanting to rent a home. I mentioned building and we started talking a million miles a minute about how the Hampton plan was our very favorite dream plan. It was full of excitement and we swiftly ran through the model home and she was off in 10 minutes to return with her husband today.

We met Cory this morning. He is just like Dan -- super great business man, smart, lives life for fun and adventure, and is very analytical. He is controlled in his emotions, yet has opinions.
Of course, Shannon and I squealed and delighted in house plans once again, talking about the great bargains and bonuses -- occasionally misquoting square footage or rounding sq ft very generously.
It was so cute because each of our husbands would quietly and politely correct us to the exact amount or square footage.
We were just 2 peas in a pod x 2
And it was one of my favorite moments of work

P.S. they'll get us the bikes we've been anxiously awaiting FOR FREE because he owns 5 canyon sports shops!!!

I love them! 

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